Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2016 In Pictures

2016 has not been the best year (Don't get me started on the "Celebrity In Memoriam" list running through my head at this moment), but there have been some golden nuggets the last year for me, and hopefully for you as well.  To help put some shine to those nuggets, here is the annual "Insert Year Here" In Pictures Photo Challenge.

Here is the list:

  1. Favorite Photo On Your Computer from 2016
  2. Favorite Nature picture you took
  3. Favorite gift you received
  4. Favorite “Selfie”
  5. Favorite “New To You” Game
  6. Favorite photo on your phone from 2016
  7. The Achievement you are most proud
  8. Favorite Season (Or Mid-) Finale
  9. Favorite Convention photo
  10. Favorite Picture of a pet/animal
  11. Favorite Game that came out in 2016
  12. Most adorable “Shipping” moment
  13. Favorite Picture of you and a family member
  14. Favorite “New To You” Tv Show
  15. Favorite Picture of you and a friend
  16. Favorite Show that premiered in 2016
  17. Favorite song/Album
  18. Favorite Book you read
  19. Favorite photo you posted as a “TBT” (Throwback Thursday)
  20. Favorite Picture of a Celebrity
  21. Favorite Picture someone took of you
  22. Favorite Photo Challenge
  23. Favorite holiday photo
  24. Favorite “New To You” Movie
  25. Favorite moment in a Fandom
  26. Favorite Clothes item you got
  27. Favorite Fandom News
  28. Favorite Picture you were “Tagged” in
  29. Goofiest picture you took
  30. Favorite Memory
  31. Favorite Movie from 2016

Starting January 1st 2017, the hashtag to use and look for is #2016InPictures.
As always if you have any questions, need clarifications, or suggestions don't hesitate to contact me. 

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