Sunday, February 1, 2015

Calling all Oncers!

Once Upon a Time season 4B starts March 1st, so I have decided that February will be "The ABCs of Once Upon a Time"

You should all know the rules by now. The hashtag to use and look for is #TheABCsOfOUAT(( To make it short and simple..blame Twitter)) You can also pull things from the short lived spinoff  "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland" The fun starts February 1st!Can't wait to see what everyone has to offer
 I hope you enjoy this one.

Also, if anyone has any ideas for more photo challenges (either "The ABCs of" or something more creative),please don't hesitate to suggest them to me, or even start it on your own. Though if you do, please let me know, I would love to join in and send out the word.

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