Friday, March 21, 2014

Doctor Who Fan Video Appreciation Post

I love going on to YouTube, and watching Doctor Who Fan videos. I wanted to put some of my all time favorites on my blog.. so here they are. **Note I made none of these**

  •  This first one is a tribute to the first 8 Doctors set to one of my all time favorite Disney songs: "He Lives In you." From Lion King 2:
  •  This next  video is a tribute to The 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) set to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons ( which is a song I am really into at the moment)
  • This next one is fun little one. It has clips from Series 2: Army of Ghost, and Series 7: Hide. It is set to, you guessed it, Ghostbusters!
  • This next one is a tribute to my favorite Doctor: the 3rd Doctor (Jon Pertwee) It is set to the song Good Life by One Republic, which I enjoy as well.
  • This next one is a tribute to my all time favorite villain :The Master, set to the song Nothing Else Matters by Georgian
  •  The next one is a tribute to Brigadier Lethbridge -Stewart /Nicholas Courtney ( Warning You may get choked up... I always do)  Set to My Immortal by Georgian 
  • This last one is massive tribute to Doctor Who, I watched this video all the time, it is set to a a few songs, which are listed in the  video description

I have plenty of more favorite Fan Made videos, but I figured this is enough...for now. Look out for more post ( Doctor Who and other fandoms) in the future. So what do you think of these videos, and what are some of your favorites. Let me know, and they may be in the next one!

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