Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The First "The ABCs Of" Photo Challenge of 2014 is....

New Doctor Who. So you can use anything from "Rose" to "The Time Of The Doctor."  You can also use the stuff from the "Children Of Need" and " Red Nose Day" specials. You can also use comics, novels, and the few audios available.  Just like  back in November when we did #TheABCsOfClassicDoctorWho, there are some Characters/Aliens/Villains  from both, make sure you use a picture from New Doctor Who, The hash tag to use and look for is #TheABCsOfNewWho. We start on the first of January 2014! I hope you all have fun, like I always do.

So.... Allons-y and push those Big Red Buttons.
 P.S: Never Forget these important things.
  • You are Fantastic!
  • Photo Challenges are Cool!
  • Check the color of your Kidneys! 

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