Friday, May 31, 2013

One of the many many reasons why I love Sir. Patrick Stewart

No More words are really needed for this video.

The brave woman who asked the question : Heather Skye

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How does a Geeky Online Book Club sound to you?

While I was at work, I came up with an idea: Why not start an online book club?There is probably ones out the already, but I wanted to start one of my own. I don't have many ideas/plans for it yet. This post is just to put out the idea, and to see how many people would like to participate.  Let me know either through comments here, or via Facebook or Twitter. Also if you have any ideas/suggestions let me know as well! If I get enough people (( Or even just one person at first, lol)) we can figure the details later. :-)